Saturday, April 30, 2011

7 Months later...I have 15 more things

1. This is my first post since September 14, 2010. That's a long time! I'm surprised I remembered my Blogger password :)
2. I absolutely should be doing something productive, but nah.
3. This Psyc 218 paper just might be the end of my sense of humor.
4. I walk through commencement in exactly 2 weeks. Finish 3 credits in the summer and then I get mi el diplomo. :)
5. I hope I can find a good job by August!
6. Spermy is the dumbest/biggest LYING DOUCHE in existence. Natural selection, where are you?
7. I am so beyond proud of my son. He amazes me everyday, and I am so lucky to have him.
8. I have to move in 1 month - I'm going to miss my washer and dryer, and my carport. :( Sign of aging: mourning the loss of appliances :)
9. I am SO not doing myself any favors by being this physically lazy. Being fat SUCKS.
10. It's so weird to be using a mouse again (switched from laptop to desktop)
11. I freakin' want to watch Netflix right now, but my computer doesn't have speakers.
12. I like cheese.
13. SYTYCD is premiering in May...yay! Love that show.
14. I really need to re-obtain my social life. I miss it.
15. I got nothin'.