Thursday, November 5, 2015

ISFJ personality characteristics


ISFJs are the people-centric doers, using their considerable organizational ability to make sure people are taken care of and protected.
They are extremely conscientious, hardworking, loyal, and dedicated to people, organizations, and groups. Once they are allied to the cause, they take their roles very seriously.
It may be possible to overlook the value of ISFJs, as they are the behind-the-scenes “glue” for organizations and groups.
Unlike ESFJs, who will be more outspoken, ISFJs will work steadily and quietly to ensure all the routine details are taken care of and that people are happy.
ISFJs remember specificsdetails, names, facesand store them in the pristine filing cabinet in their heads. Rarely will they share their own values, preferring to keep their own counsel and make their focus the needs of others.
To others ISFJs appear to be quiet, shy, gentle individuals, but behind the scenes ISFJs are the movers and shakers who keep things going but do not seek the glory.
ISFJs are loyal and devoted to the cause. They have an intense need to belong and will work tirelessly for the cause. They would prefer to remain understated, only needing stroking from those they trust and value.
They will channel their considerable energies into their work, or indeed into anything that has been asked of them.
They have incredibly clear and precise memories and are scarily accurate with facts, figures, names, facesoh, and any person who has slighted them!
ISFJs gather facts and data and are painstakingly accurate with incredible attention to detail. They are methodical in their approach.
They will tend to be proud of “being good with money. They can accurately recite names, milestones, anniversaries, and birthdays.
Although generally shy and reserved, ISFJs take workindeed, anything they doseriously and much prefer it when others do the same.
They are caring, sympathetic, and want to help but do not need the kudos. They may be suspicious of those who try to confer compliments on them, especially in the early stages of a relationship.


• Quiet
• A sympathetic listener
• Dependable
• A real team player

Areas of Growth

• Take more initiative.
• Take care of personal needs.
• Be open to the “big picture.”
• Recognize the value of conflict.


The basic attitude of ISFJs is one of fatalism: Things are what they are and little can be done to change them.
It is not uncommon for ISFJs to carry the sins of the world on their shoulders. They easily accept the blame for malfunctions and mistakes.


• Organizing facts and details to accomplish a goal
• Reaching closure before moving to a new task
• Clear and stable structures
• Being in control of work schedule


• Deadlines
• Being asked to make changes with no rational reason
• Ineffective processes
• Being asked to “wing it”

To function at their best

An orderly work environment with human interaction. Opportunities to respond to the needs of others. Harmonious relationships. Praise and appreciation.


Sensitive, kind, and caring—in a very practical way—their at times over-accommodating nature means that ISFJs may be taken advantage of.
It isn’t so much that ISFJs are worried over confrontation; when a value is transgressed, the perpetrator may get an uncharacteristic verbal lashing, surprising those who thought that quiet and shy meant weak and fragile.
Values and feelings are at the heart of who ISFJs are, and they are not to be treated lightly.
It is more about their need to give, support, and care, for that means they may get taken for granted.
ISFJs are deep and caring with strong values, and these will be held privately until they allow people in.
What others will perceive are helpful, supportive, patient, and detailed individuals who are under the radar. ISFJs are sociable but don’t like the spontaneity of crowds.
They are an emotional type, but they may struggle at times to deal with these, as they are so private and reflective.
It may be possible to deeply offend ISFJs and not realize it, so private are they.
ISFJs will initially close down on conflict, as they prefer harmony, and will work hard at creating that.
ISFJs will be superb diffusers of conflict, but they themselves do not enjoy it.
ISFJs are often called “the defenders,” because they will stand up for what is right and the rights of others. While they may shun conflict personally, they will fight for other people.
Naturally more quiet and low-key, ISFJs will be conciliatory and seek consensus, preferring to see good in people. They will look to get to a resolution that makes everyone happy.
Altercations and excess interaction in general suck the energy of ISFJs. They will need some private “me” time to recharge their batteries and build up their energy levels.

ISFJ at work

ISFJs have a combination of strong work ethic and desire to help people.
They move step by step toward an agreed conclusion, preferring order to chaos, and in the absence of a plan will be happy to create one.
ISFJs are hardworking, organized, responsible, like things done properly, and will demonstrate extremely high standards. They prefer clarity. If there is none, they will create it. This means they will expect and set tangible goals that they will work steadily and methodically toward, with no deviation or shortcuts.
They are efficient and reliable, and although they may take time to understand what is required, this is so they grasp all the facts to ensure they are clear and will not get it wrong.
Risk-averse, traditional, factual, and detailed, ISFJs are best suited to more established, stable, and traditional organizations that value hard work, attention to detail, and adherence to known rules and protocols, with a strong people element.
Although quite quiet, ISFJs really do care—seriously care. They will need a more people-centric environment that is team-focused where their efforts, though often understated, are appreciated.
Their traditional nature and desire for clarity and fact means ISFJs will fit best where the norms are clear, the culture is people driven, and where there is a place for everything and everything is in its place.
Deviation from the norm is not for ISFJs. They prefer working with facts, details, and the known, where the product or service is tangible rather than conceptual, and where there are clear lines of responsibility and a planning process.
They do not like to “wing it” or take risks without being in possession of the facts and having thought things through so that they are clear.
They do not like ambiguity or harsh environments, wanting to make sure people are supported.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015