Monday, July 27, 2009

a year in a day...

Preston officially turned 3 today! It blows my mind how fast the time has gone!

I stayed home from work today to be with him, and do have some fun. My dad and the kids came over and joined us for dinner, and play time at the park. Preston was super brave going down the BIG kid slide. He was also quite the flirt with the cute little girls at the park. Go figure. :)

I meant to write more, but at this point, Preston has realized I am not paying attention to him, so I'm off to tend to him until bedtime. I will likely write more later.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Finally understanding....

Indeed, most people in this world have dated. However, up until I had a child....a BOY, I didn't realize where the adult manhood STUBBORNNESS came from. It's in them from the get-go! Undeniably, in their blood to be stubborn. :)

Now, don't get me wrong. I was a little hellion as a young girl (just ask my mom). Course, she would reply "wait, WAS?..Babe, you're still a pain in the ass, sometimes." So, in THAT point of view, this blog would have no real purpose or statement. I don't have girls, maybe they are just as stubborn. But GOOOOOOODness! :)

My son technically turns 3 tomorrow! So, one of the technicalities arises from his age. Ha. I love my little booger. He keeps me on my toes, that's for sure.

SPEAKING OF my little man, I need to go. It seems he's awaken from dreamland.

(Forgive the errors in typing and/or grammar (if you find any), I'm not going to proofread)
....Yep, I'm a rebel like that!