Sunday, July 26, 2009

Finally understanding....

Indeed, most people in this world have dated. However, up until I had a child....a BOY, I didn't realize where the adult manhood STUBBORNNESS came from. It's in them from the get-go! Undeniably, in their blood to be stubborn. :)

Now, don't get me wrong. I was a little hellion as a young girl (just ask my mom). Course, she would reply "wait, WAS?..Babe, you're still a pain in the ass, sometimes." So, in THAT point of view, this blog would have no real purpose or statement. I don't have girls, maybe they are just as stubborn. But GOOOOOOODness! :)

My son technically turns 3 tomorrow! So, one of the technicalities arises from his age. Ha. I love my little booger. He keeps me on my toes, that's for sure.

SPEAKING OF my little man, I need to go. It seems he's awaken from dreamland.

(Forgive the errors in typing and/or grammar (if you find any), I'm not going to proofread)
....Yep, I'm a rebel like that!