Monday, July 22, 2013

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Meet Jasper

She's a bit Hyper (should've named her Bolt), loves to grab your hand and sniff it, loves her momma (me) and her rat-sister Teddy, and also loves Honey yogurt treats. Does not like red grapes, loud noises, or cats...:) and she's freakin' cute!  HEEEYYYY!

Love this <3

Owls :)

17 animals that don't know what just happened to them - Buzzfeed

100 way to reduce stress - Buzzfeed

36 Things you obviously need in your new home - Buzzfeed

27 Animal Facts that will brighten your day - Buzzfeed

Totally worth your time. 

Things to Remember

1. Eat regularly (and well)
2. Get enough sleep
3. Sometimes being a bitch is necessary
4. Stop talking and listen
5. Don't take anyone's shit
6. Things WILL get better
7. If someone can't make the effort to be in your life - they don't deserve to be there.
8. "It only ends once. Everything else is just progress."
9. A good cup of tea can solve just about anything.
10. Stick to your guns.
11. Impromptu solo dance parties are good for your health. V 12. Spend time with the people who matter most.

I still have a blog?!

Going to give this another go... we'll see if I can remember to update stuff as it happens. Way more fun to look back on and see how things change and how they stay the same. :) I started another blog which I'll use to talk about my kiddo and share his wonderfully random ramblings.