Wednesday, July 22, 2015

40 ways to let go of anger right now

40 Ways to Let Go of Anger 

1. Look at your rulebook.

If you never explained your rules to the person who angered you, how can you be upset that they broke them? Maybe their rules are different.

2. Use aromatherapy to create a calm environment.

Candles and diffusers alleviate stress and anxiety. Or try a couple of calming drops of essential lavender oil on your pillow.

3. Buy a recordable alarm clock.

Wake up to a soothing self-recorded message. Alternatively, use an app.

4. Recognize that others say and do harsh things out of jealousy.

Change your anger to compassion because they are obviously struggling with their own negative emotions.

5. Personalize a keep-calm mug.

Choose some anger-defeating text for your mug. Use it at work or home.

6. Let your anger fizzle out with a bath-bomb.

Relax in a warm bath as you watch the bath-bomb and your anger fizzle away.

7. Quiet your anger.

If you’re likely to fall into a rage when speaking up, say nothing at all. “Silence is sometimes the best answer.” ~Dalai Lama

8. Visualize your anger as a drop of water.

Close your eyes and see your mind as a crystal-blue ocean of calm. See your anger as a single drop of water falling into your calm ocean, barely causing a ripple before being absorbed.

9. Create a universe of peace in your bedroom.

Make a night sky with luminous stars and planets. Lie on your bed with the lights off, and pick a star to project your anger onto. Now re-focus to see the whole galaxy with your anger as a tiny dot among a universe of peace.

10. Put your anger to bed.

Anxiety and irritability are instigated by lack of sleep. More sleep can be as effective as conscious meditation. “Sleep is the best meditation.” ~Dalai Lama

11. Take responsibility for your anger.

Someone can influence your anger response, but only you control it.

12. See your anger as a boiling kettle.

Flick the switch to off as if you were turning off your anger. Let your temper cool down like the kettle.

13. Look at who you’ve become.

See how letting go will allow you to be true to yourself and finally at peace.

14. Paint an angry mouth on an hourglass egg timer.

Now paint a happy mouth on the other half. Turn your angry mouth upside down and watch the happy mouth fill.

15. Understand that you are only hurting yourself.

“Holding onto anger is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die.” ~Unknown

16. Recognize their inner angst.

This is the real reason they acted like they did. Heal your anger by setting out to help them feel better about themselves.

17. Blow up a dozen balloons.

Write an angry thought on each one and step on them until they pop, leaving only the shredded remnants of your deflated anger.

18. See your anger as a runaway horse.

Imagine it trying to break out of your “mind paddock.” Rein it in.

19. Use wise words to halt angry words.

In confrontational situations, remember: “Speak in anger and you will have made the best speech you will regret.” ~Dr. Laurence J. Peter

20. Wear a calming color.

Avoid confrontational colors like red and black. Instead wear calming blue or soothing green.

21. Have a calming message engraved on a ring.

Avoid anger by playing with your ring and thinking of those soothing words.

22. Use a mirror for self-reflection.

Look in the mirror and let your anger out. “The more you hide your feelings, the more they show. The more you deny your feelings, the more they grow.” ~Unknown

23. Shred a physical representation of your anger.

Take those hurtful letters, print off those emails, or write out your angry thoughts. Push the pages through a shredder, and reduce your anger to tatters.

24. Record yourself describing your anger.

Capture your angry thoughts on your phone or computer. Listen back to this as if it were a good friend telling you theirs. Offer yourself the empathetic advice you would give a friend.

25. Repeat a happy mantra.

Regain control of your emotions by repeating, “I’m a happy person who does not see the benefit of staying angry.”

26. Choose a positive, healthy outlet.

Use feel-good endorphins to dispel anger by going for a run or singing loudly and dancing energetically.

27. Express your anger to a friend.

A supportive environment can be hugely beneficial in getting your emotions out safely.

28. Use a self-hypnosis video.

Hypnosis can help you get your anger under control. Alternatively, try a registered hypnotherapist.

29. Shift your perspective.

If you cannot change the events that have made you angry, change your perspective for the sake of your peace of mind.

30. Take a soothing shower.

Wash away your anger with calming ylang ylang or chamomile shower gel.

31. Personify your anger.

Imagine it as a fiery-tempered troll in your path. Push it away.

32. Remind yourself that you have a choice.

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response.” ~Viktor E. Frankl. Decide that your response will not be anger.

33. Keep this quote on you at all times:

“He who angers you, conquers you.” ~Elizabeth Kenny. Repeat it to yourself when you feel anger rising, or pull it out and read if possible.

34. Take a step back.

In a confrontational situation, physically take a step back.

35. Be honest with yourself.

What are you achieving by holding on to anger? Is it a case of injured pride that you would really love to swap for forgiveness?

36. Picture angry thoughts as bitter, poisonous seeds.

Stop these from taking root in your mind. Instead, raise a happy, forgiving “mind garden” by populating your thoughts with anger-defeating quotes.

 37. Plant a Garden of Compassion.

Take the idea above a step further with a flower border or window box. For your own well-being, plant a flower for anyone who has angered you to signify your wish to forgive them.

38. Weed out your anger.

When you tend your Garden of Compassion, picture each weed you root out as further uprooting your anger.

39. Seek help to defeat your anger.

If you feel stuck in a cycle of resentment and anger, consider taking a course.

40. Laugh at your anger.

“People are too serious. All the time, too serious.” ~Dalai Lama. Anger is sometimes just injured self-pride. It’s not easy, but try not taking yourself so seriously.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Lazy human health tips

1. Stock up on frozen veggies and berries to have on hand when you might need them.

2. Buy a season (or a series) of a very addictive TV show. Force yourself to watch it ONLY while you’re running on the treadmill, using the elliptical, or pedaling a stationary bike.

3. Eat from small plates, bowls, cups, and jars to help manage your portion sizes.

4. Or eat from plates and bowls that are a different color than the food you have in front of you, also to help with portion sizes.

5. Prepare a box of grab-and-go snacks on Sundays so you always have something healthy to nosh on every day.

6. Make good friends with a slow cooker.

7. Carry around a big old water bottle wherever you go.

8. Drink a cup of black coffee before you work out, because it’ll help you burn more fat.

9. And eat some protein within half an hour after you work out, so you can build muscles ~faster~.

10. Keep your hair dryer in your gym locker.

11. Prep all your workout gear the night before, so it’s all ready for you when you wake up.

12. Go ahead and sleep in your workout outfit, if you have to.

13. Fill half your plate with vegetables for lunch and dinner, and then make sure you eat the vegetables first.

14. Leave your blinds open at night, so the sunlight helps wake you up in the morning.

15. Prep your lunches for the week on Sundays so you can just grab them without thinking when you’re out the door in the morning.

16. Set an alarm about an hour before you want to be asleep, so you can harass yourself to get moving on your bedtime routine.

17. Lower your thermostat before you go to bed to about 65 degrees for a better night’s sleep.

18. Put your phone on airplane or do not disturb mode before bed.

19. And take a few minutes every day to unwind.