Thursday, July 16, 2015

Lazy human health tips

1. Stock up on frozen veggies and berries to have on hand when you might need them.

2. Buy a season (or a series) of a very addictive TV show. Force yourself to watch it ONLY while you’re running on the treadmill, using the elliptical, or pedaling a stationary bike.

3. Eat from small plates, bowls, cups, and jars to help manage your portion sizes.

4. Or eat from plates and bowls that are a different color than the food you have in front of you, also to help with portion sizes.

5. Prepare a box of grab-and-go snacks on Sundays so you always have something healthy to nosh on every day.

6. Make good friends with a slow cooker.

7. Carry around a big old water bottle wherever you go.

8. Drink a cup of black coffee before you work out, because it’ll help you burn more fat.

9. And eat some protein within half an hour after you work out, so you can build muscles ~faster~.

10. Keep your hair dryer in your gym locker.

11. Prep all your workout gear the night before, so it’s all ready for you when you wake up.

12. Go ahead and sleep in your workout outfit, if you have to.

13. Fill half your plate with vegetables for lunch and dinner, and then make sure you eat the vegetables first.

14. Leave your blinds open at night, so the sunlight helps wake you up in the morning.

15. Prep your lunches for the week on Sundays so you can just grab them without thinking when you’re out the door in the morning.

16. Set an alarm about an hour before you want to be asleep, so you can harass yourself to get moving on your bedtime routine.

17. Lower your thermostat before you go to bed to about 65 degrees for a better night’s sleep.

18. Put your phone on airplane or do not disturb mode before bed.

19. And take a few minutes every day to unwind.