Thursday, January 1, 2015


So, I'm not a big fan of New Year's resolutions because I believe everyone should try to be the best "you" they can every single day of the year.  Sure, I imagine the word HYPOCRITE thrown at me when I say that, but I DO try, and I want to try.  Some days I just don't succeed as well as others.

Here are a few things I'd like to do:

- JOURNAL as close to daily as possible.  Even if it's just a blurb, it's nice to look back on
- Eat better - nothing specific, just make better food choices, don't eat crap after 8pm
- Drink less alcohol
- Drink more water (get your ass back to the gym and this will happen automatically)
- Be more patient as a person, but especially as a mom
- Learn to relax and live in the moment
- Save money