Monday, August 16, 2010

A midnight affair...

Yep, I'm watching Hannah Montana. (insert judgment here)...

I have no idea why I'm still awake. I've been exhausted ALL day, and now (hours after my son is asleep), I'm still wide awake. WTF?!

Anxious, much? My 26th birthday is just around the corner. Cannot believe I'll be 26. That went fast. Think the plan is to hit up the strip club with some friends. I've never it shall prove to be interesting, I'm sure. ;)

My second to last semester of my undergrad begins on the 23rd. Excited that I'm finally closing in on the journey of college, but nervous about life outside this routine I've had for so many years.

Back to work tomorrow..Yippee. Every year, I forget how much I'm annoyed by the thousands of students who rush back into town. Lord grant me the serenity not to freak on the idiot people...but more importantly, please grant me the ability to be patient, and forgiving. There's a LOT of stupid in this town for the next few weeks. Oh, the joys.

Anyway, I should go to bed. Will regret being up this late when I have to hit my snooze button for an hour. I, Boogs, have a snooze-button addiction. :( Next post, I'll explain my counseling session over this evil button. Until then, I'm off to see the man of my dreams...

or rather, the man IN my dreams. Sad story