Sunday, August 29, 2010

Random, much?

So, I woke up a bit perplexed today. Not sure what that's all about. First of all, I read on Facebook that my friends and their kiddos went bowling yesterday, and although we all hang together often, I wasn't invited. Weird.

Sometimes it's really hard to understand that not everyone is a good friend. A lot of people take a LOT more than they give back. I find this interesting, because I feel like I'm just the opposite. It's funny how some people take friendships for they'll always be there. They won't. Friendships take time and effort.

For example, a TON of people said they were coming out for my birthday party last 3 people came. I am more than appreciative and thankful for those peeps who came out to celebrate with me, but a bit astonished at the flakes who didn't come, or just didn't think it was that important. Maybe it wasn't.

Maybe all of this is a sign for me to focus more on myself, instead of everyone else, for a change. I will work on that. I have so much I want to do. I need to lose like 35 pounds, first. I should keep a "fat-diary" blog. Maybe then I won't eat such nasty fattening stuff. Meh, who knows. I just need to get back into the gym. After all, I HAVE been paying $25/month for a membership. Boo. Peace out money.

Anyway, I should do something productive today. I have dishes to do, cat litter box to clean, laundry to fold, and more laundry to wash...and a little boy running around thinking he needs fed. Who knew you had to feed them? lol

More later...