Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A new day...

So, yesterday SUCKED. But I got The Hills: Season 5 in the mail (Netflix) and that cheered me up. Yes, it's pathetic.

Anyway, today I am killin' time before class at 2. Then hanging out until my TIPS (alcohol serving) class starts at 6pm. I hope it's a somewhat short class! Ugh. Getting sitters on a Tuesday night is not easy, and it's not cool to mess up our routine. Oh well, hard alcohol at the WSU games this year should be interesting. :)

I've decided that tomorrow, being Sept. 1st, I am going to begin my "skinny bitch" diet. I really need to lose weight, and I'm getting more miserable by the day in this fat suit. Time to do something. So, I'm going to list my goals, and blog my progress so I can backtrack on how well I do. My plan is to start at the gym tomorrow. I only hope I can keep up to my promise to myself. I am so bothered everyday when I look in the mirror, it's hard to muster up enough motivation to actually go to the gym, but I truly have to start somewhere, or I'm just going to get fatter. SAD FACE.

So, starting tomorrow, my goals are as follows:

1. Drink a minimum of 2 liters (half gallon) of water everyday.
2. No more beer during the weekdays!
4. Walk to campus when I can! (weather dependent)
5. Take daily multivitamin.
6. GO TO GYM AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE! (minimum of 3 hrs/week)
7. Pack lunch/snacks to campus
8. One protein shake every day.

I know I can do this...I have done it before, and I remember feeling fantastic when I kept it up. I know it will pull me out of my depression...now to just DO IT.
Wish me luck. I will likely blog tomorrow - FIRST DAY OF MY DIET. Need to get psyched.

Oh man, this is going to be rough.