Thursday, September 2, 2010


Good day, Good day!

Found out my 499 research is going to be fairly enjoyable, and not too taxing on my schedule. Ran into a friend while killing time, and decided to volunteer in a leadership program for the UI. :) Going to an officer leadership class to get certified next week. Yay. I'm excited.

Got my car fixed. It's no longer wiggin' on me, and although it cost me $400, it's running quite well, I might add. That makes me a happy camper.

I just finished my first assignment for my second-to-last semester of my undergraduate degree. Props to me for not blowing the assignment off. Can't say that I didn't consider it...a few times. :)

Now, I'm sore from sitting in this damn computer chair for so long. I'm going to peace out and get some Zzzz's. Talk to ya another day, home skillet.