Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Even more odds and ends...

The "15 things about you" Facebook post got me to thinking...maybe that's an easier way of expressing how I feel; random thoughts throughout the day. So, here's 15 more...

1. The city workers on the street need to find a new road to mess up. The noise is killing my brain.
2. I hate feeling depressed. I refuse to get back on meds, they just fucked with me.
3. School makes me mad today. So, I'm not going. Maybe it's just the campus chock full of idiots...that could be it.
4. I hate fair-weather friends. WTF is your deal?
5. Since when did the world populate itself with such selfish assholes? They're everywhere!
6. Senioritis is going to be the end of my remaining GPA.
7. Yesterday sucked balls. My son lost his damn mind and so we both stayed home and were miserable. Then I gorged myself with too much pizza. Bring on the fat. :(
8. Why can't I drink beer and NOT gain weight, and NOT ever be hungover? :)
9. I should stop staring at the computer screen, my head hurts.
10. So, I'm going to go stare at the tv screen. I'm a lazy slob today. But I DID shower and put on makeup. So there.
12. Some people's kids.
14. I need a nap.
15. 15 is lame.

15 things about yours truly...

1. I find that I like being alone much more than I used to. Maybe it's because I NEVER get alone time, anymore. Oh, the joys of parenting. <3

2. I'm in a total rut lately, and it's pissing me off. El Depresso SUCKO. Time to make some changes.

3. I will lose 30 pounds by the time I graduate college, May '11.

4. I can't believe how many products contain High Fructose Corn Syrup. That shit is the devil!

5. I'm my own worst enemy, and likely will be single forever because of that. haha

6. I just became chief officer for the Women's Center group called Mothers, Fathers, Scholars. :)

7. Most grocery stores give me major anxiety. I wonder if this twitch is permanent?

8. I believe everyday is a gift and yet a challenge.

9. I am allergic to ignorance and bullshit. It's wise to keep both away from me.

10. Nonfat, sugarfree Vanilla lattes make me happy.

11. My son steals my energy by the truckload and hides it in his toybox. He holds it hostage until I give him Cheetos.

12. I love clothes, but only wear about 1/10th of what's in my closet. For some reason, I can't bring myself to getting rid of the clothes I don't wear.

13. My family and friends mean the world to me. I'd be nothing without them.

14. I cannot handle stupid drivers. GET OUT OF MY WAY and learn to drive!


Friday, September 3, 2010

I love the F word...(Friday)

Good morning, world. Friday's are good. Waking up to the City beating concrete on the street attached to my lawn, NOT GOOD. 7am might be when the workers START, but why the hell do they need to wake ME up on a damn Friday? I slept like a champ. Would have been nice to sleep until my alarm went off, though. Damn them. They just did something to this EXACT spot like 4-5 months ago. Grrr

Anyway, today should be a good day. I might end up skipping my 9:30 class, well because it kinda sucks. That's my only class today, and then work, so I might just go into work when I'm ready. :) I am getting a little burnt out on this college thing, but I know I need to kickass until I'm done.

Anywho, I just made up my mind that I'm skipping my only class today. I'm a slacker, yes...but I just don't wanna. :)

However, I SHOULD wake up the little monster and start getting ready for my day.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Good day, Good day!

Found out my 499 research is going to be fairly enjoyable, and not too taxing on my schedule. Ran into a friend while killing time, and decided to volunteer in a leadership program for the UI. :) Going to an officer leadership class to get certified next week. Yay. I'm excited.

Got my car fixed. It's no longer wiggin' on me, and although it cost me $400, it's running quite well, I might add. That makes me a happy camper.

I just finished my first assignment for my second-to-last semester of my undergraduate degree. Props to me for not blowing the assignment off. Can't say that I didn't consider it...a few times. :)

Now, I'm sore from sitting in this damn computer chair for so long. I'm going to peace out and get some Zzzz's. Talk to ya another day, home skillet.