Friday, September 3, 2010

I love the F word...(Friday)

Good morning, world. Friday's are good. Waking up to the City beating concrete on the street attached to my lawn, NOT GOOD. 7am might be when the workers START, but why the hell do they need to wake ME up on a damn Friday? I slept like a champ. Would have been nice to sleep until my alarm went off, though. Damn them. They just did something to this EXACT spot like 4-5 months ago. Grrr

Anyway, today should be a good day. I might end up skipping my 9:30 class, well because it kinda sucks. That's my only class today, and then work, so I might just go into work when I'm ready. :) I am getting a little burnt out on this college thing, but I know I need to kickass until I'm done.

Anywho, I just made up my mind that I'm skipping my only class today. I'm a slacker, yes...but I just don't wanna. :)

However, I SHOULD wake up the little monster and start getting ready for my day.