Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Even more odds and ends...

The "15 things about you" Facebook post got me to thinking...maybe that's an easier way of expressing how I feel; random thoughts throughout the day. So, here's 15 more...

1. The city workers on the street need to find a new road to mess up. The noise is killing my brain.
2. I hate feeling depressed. I refuse to get back on meds, they just fucked with me.
3. School makes me mad today. So, I'm not going. Maybe it's just the campus chock full of idiots...that could be it.
4. I hate fair-weather friends. WTF is your deal?
5. Since when did the world populate itself with such selfish assholes? They're everywhere!
6. Senioritis is going to be the end of my remaining GPA.
7. Yesterday sucked balls. My son lost his damn mind and so we both stayed home and were miserable. Then I gorged myself with too much pizza. Bring on the fat. :(
8. Why can't I drink beer and NOT gain weight, and NOT ever be hungover? :)
9. I should stop staring at the computer screen, my head hurts.
10. So, I'm going to go stare at the tv screen. I'm a lazy slob today. But I DID shower and put on makeup. So there.
12. Some people's kids.
14. I need a nap.
15. 15 is lame.

15 things about yours truly...

1. I find that I like being alone much more than I used to. Maybe it's because I NEVER get alone time, anymore. Oh, the joys of parenting. <3

2. I'm in a total rut lately, and it's pissing me off. El Depresso SUCKO. Time to make some changes.

3. I will lose 30 pounds by the time I graduate college, May '11.

4. I can't believe how many products contain High Fructose Corn Syrup. That shit is the devil!

5. I'm my own worst enemy, and likely will be single forever because of that. haha

6. I just became chief officer for the Women's Center group called Mothers, Fathers, Scholars. :)

7. Most grocery stores give me major anxiety. I wonder if this twitch is permanent?

8. I believe everyday is a gift and yet a challenge.

9. I am allergic to ignorance and bullshit. It's wise to keep both away from me.

10. Nonfat, sugarfree Vanilla lattes make me happy.

11. My son steals my energy by the truckload and hides it in his toybox. He holds it hostage until I give him Cheetos.

12. I love clothes, but only wear about 1/10th of what's in my closet. For some reason, I can't bring myself to getting rid of the clothes I don't wear.

13. My family and friends mean the world to me. I'd be nothing without them.

14. I cannot handle stupid drivers. GET OUT OF MY WAY and learn to drive!


Friday, September 3, 2010

I love the F word...(Friday)

Good morning, world. Friday's are good. Waking up to the City beating concrete on the street attached to my lawn, NOT GOOD. 7am might be when the workers START, but why the hell do they need to wake ME up on a damn Friday? I slept like a champ. Would have been nice to sleep until my alarm went off, though. Damn them. They just did something to this EXACT spot like 4-5 months ago. Grrr

Anyway, today should be a good day. I might end up skipping my 9:30 class, well because it kinda sucks. That's my only class today, and then work, so I might just go into work when I'm ready. :) I am getting a little burnt out on this college thing, but I know I need to kickass until I'm done.

Anywho, I just made up my mind that I'm skipping my only class today. I'm a slacker, yes...but I just don't wanna. :)

However, I SHOULD wake up the little monster and start getting ready for my day.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Good day, Good day!

Found out my 499 research is going to be fairly enjoyable, and not too taxing on my schedule. Ran into a friend while killing time, and decided to volunteer in a leadership program for the UI. :) Going to an officer leadership class to get certified next week. Yay. I'm excited.

Got my car fixed. It's no longer wiggin' on me, and although it cost me $400, it's running quite well, I might add. That makes me a happy camper.

I just finished my first assignment for my second-to-last semester of my undergraduate degree. Props to me for not blowing the assignment off. Can't say that I didn't consider it...a few times. :)

Now, I'm sore from sitting in this damn computer chair for so long. I'm going to peace out and get some Zzzz's. Talk to ya another day, home skillet.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A new day...

So, yesterday SUCKED. But I got The Hills: Season 5 in the mail (Netflix) and that cheered me up. Yes, it's pathetic.

Anyway, today I am killin' time before class at 2. Then hanging out until my TIPS (alcohol serving) class starts at 6pm. I hope it's a somewhat short class! Ugh. Getting sitters on a Tuesday night is not easy, and it's not cool to mess up our routine. Oh well, hard alcohol at the WSU games this year should be interesting. :)

I've decided that tomorrow, being Sept. 1st, I am going to begin my "skinny bitch" diet. I really need to lose weight, and I'm getting more miserable by the day in this fat suit. Time to do something. So, I'm going to list my goals, and blog my progress so I can backtrack on how well I do. My plan is to start at the gym tomorrow. I only hope I can keep up to my promise to myself. I am so bothered everyday when I look in the mirror, it's hard to muster up enough motivation to actually go to the gym, but I truly have to start somewhere, or I'm just going to get fatter. SAD FACE.

So, starting tomorrow, my goals are as follows:

1. Drink a minimum of 2 liters (half gallon) of water everyday.
2. No more beer during the weekdays!
4. Walk to campus when I can! (weather dependent)
5. Take daily multivitamin.
6. GO TO GYM AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE! (minimum of 3 hrs/week)
7. Pack lunch/snacks to campus
8. One protein shake every day.

I know I can do this...I have done it before, and I remember feeling fantastic when I kept it up. I know it will pull me out of my depression...now to just DO IT.
Wish me luck. I will likely blog tomorrow - FIRST DAY OF MY DIET. Need to get psyched.

Oh man, this is going to be rough.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Fuckity Fuck fuck

I hate today. I'm in such a funk. :( Effin headache needs to go away!
Boy, something needs to change. I'm going to run off all of my friends at this rate. :( Or just hole up in a corner and flip everyone off while I'm at it.

Just another effin' Monday

First, I couldn't find parking ANYWHERE on campus today, so I was 8 minutes late for class. On top of that, it's my period week - so I'm bloated, cranky, and tired.

My pants are pissing me off because my muffin top is making them roll over, and it's uncomfortable. I hate being overweight! I wish it was easier to lose weight, but more importantly, I wish it was easier to get into the gym. Being depressed sure packs on the weight - between the junk food and the beer. Ugh.

I'm not a happy camper today. I need to go home.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Random, much?

So, I woke up a bit perplexed today. Not sure what that's all about. First of all, I read on Facebook that my friends and their kiddos went bowling yesterday, and although we all hang together often, I wasn't invited. Weird.

Sometimes it's really hard to understand that not everyone is a good friend. A lot of people take a LOT more than they give back. I find this interesting, because I feel like I'm just the opposite. It's funny how some people take friendships for granted...like they'll always be there. They won't. Friendships take time and effort.

For example, a TON of people said they were coming out for my birthday party last weekend...like 3 people came. I am more than appreciative and thankful for those peeps who came out to celebrate with me, but a bit astonished at the flakes who didn't come, or just didn't think it was that important. Maybe it wasn't.

Maybe all of this is a sign for me to focus more on myself, instead of everyone else, for a change. I will work on that. I have so much I want to do. I need to lose like 35 pounds, first. I should keep a "fat-diary" blog. Maybe then I won't eat such nasty fattening stuff. Meh, who knows. I just need to get back into the gym. After all, I HAVE been paying $25/month for a membership. Boo. Peace out money.

Anyway, I should do something productive today. I have dishes to do, cat litter box to clean, laundry to fold, and more laundry to wash...and a little boy running around thinking he needs fed. Who knew you had to feed them? lol

More later...

Monday, August 16, 2010

A midnight affair...

Yep, I'm watching Hannah Montana. (insert judgment here)...

I have no idea why I'm still awake. I've been exhausted ALL day, and now (hours after my son is asleep), I'm still wide awake. WTF?!

Anxious, much? My 26th birthday is just around the corner. Cannot believe I'll be 26. That went fast. Think the plan is to hit up the strip club with some friends. I've never been...so it shall prove to be interesting, I'm sure. ;)

My second to last semester of my undergrad begins on the 23rd. Excited that I'm finally closing in on the journey of college, but nervous about life outside this routine I've had for so many years.

Back to work tomorrow..Yippee. Every year, I forget how much I'm annoyed by the thousands of students who rush back into town. Lord grant me the serenity not to freak on the idiot people...but more importantly, please grant me the ability to be patient, and forgiving. There's a LOT of stupid in this town for the next few weeks. Oh, the joys.

Anyway, I should go to bed. Will regret being up this late when I have to hit my snooze button for an hour. I, Boogs, have a snooze-button addiction. :( Next post, I'll explain my counseling session over this evil button. Until then, I'm off to see the man of my dreams...

or rather, the man IN my dreams. Sad story

Sunday, August 15, 2010

A 'REAL' man...

A real man is a woman's best friend. He will never stand her up and never let her down. He will reassure her when she feels insecure and comfort her after a bad day.

He will inspire her to do things she never thought she could do; to live without fear and forget regret. He will enable her to express her deepest emotions and give in to her most intimate desires. He will make sure she always feels as though she's the most beautiful woman in the room, and will enable her to be confident, sexy, seductive, and invincible.

No wait ... sorry ... that's wine, I'm thinking of wine.

Never mind.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday BO-Booze-day

Well, today wasn't really interesting...until I had lunch with my good friend whom I haven't seen in about 3 years. It was so great to see him and catch up on old times. It felt weird at first and then it was like we just picked up where we left off. Very cool to know I had/HAVE a very good friend in him. We share a commonality of psychology interests...kudos to Boles. More later,..I'm watching The Office - trying to keep myself from watching the ENTIRE 2nd disc of The Hills: Season 5. Yep, I'm that sad. LOL

cheers for now

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Over a year ago...

I posted something on here. Wow, I'm COOL. Well, I'm starting the blogging thing again; I apparently need a productive way of expressing myself. So, here we go...

This will last a few days :) But for now, I have nothing I want to type. So buh-bye.